Something Strange Happens to Mom | Play



Date: 15 August 2024, 19:00 Thursday
Past events
  • 24 July 2024, 19:00 Wednesday


In #Cecut don't miss the play: Something Strange Happens to Mom
As part of the State Scenic Routes program
Presented by: Fire Productions
Drama and Direction: Gilberto Corrales
Casting: Gabriel Monroy
Lightning is looking for his brother Ráfaga. To do so, he'll have to face Cave of Many Voices, Lady Eruption, and Crushing Grey Shadows, so his brother can come home... or at least understand why he left.
Aimed at boys and girls aged 10+
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Show Room
7 p.m. • Free admission
*These functions fall from the State Scenic Routes, Section II. Performing Arts Circuit in Baja California 2024 of the Hellenic Cultural Center in collaboration with the Tijuana Cultural Center.

Location on map


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