Film "We all die in the dark"


  • Film "We all die in the dark"


Date: 19 February 2025, 20:00 Wednesday
Past events
  • 18 February 2025, 20:00 Tuesday


We All Die in the Dark (USA, 2023) Horror, 93 min. C | Dir. Robbie Banfitch
Carlos Monsiváis Room
February 11 and 12 | 6 pm
February 16 | 7 pm
February 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19 | 8 pm
Permanent Program. Four friends who are about to film a music video while camping in the sunny Mojave Desert. The trip begins like any other, but they soon discover that something is not right. Disturbing noises haunt them, and when an evil force looms over them, a terrifying descent begins into the depths of an abyss that could destroy their souls…
$50.00 M.N. General admission
*$30.00 M.N. Students, teachers, and senior citizens
*Every Wednesday 2x1
*Promotions valid only at the box office. Subject to change without notice

Location on map


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