Performance "Raziel"



Date: 8 September 2024, 18:00 Sunday
Past events
  • 1 September 2024, 18:00 Sunday
  • 25 August 2024, 18:00 Sunday



Author: Marco Pacheco

Director: Marco Pacheco

Genre: Comedy

Cast: Giani Ríos

Duration: 40 minutes

Audience: Teenagers and adults

Synopsis: The lusts of the biblical characters and the hidden stories behind the mercy of the Lord. Raziel, the archangel guardian of secrets, faithful companion of the Lord, sees from heaven how humanity succumbs to evil, forgetting that the son of God came to earth to show us love, compassion, loyalty and freedom. Raziel confronts the Lord and decides to come to earth to tell us how love and passions are really lived, that pleasure is not synonymous with sin, that modesty and guilt are not the way to live.

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