Lagunilla Mi Barrio



Date: 19 July 2024, 20:00 Friday


Lagunilla My Neighborhood

Fri, Jul 19, 2024, 8:00 p.m.

Fri, Jul 19, 2024, 8:00 p.m.

Teatro II Cultural Center, Mexico City

A film classic brought to the theater that respects its essence and gives it a twist for the entire audience. Don Abel, elegant and refined, arrives in the La Lagunilla neighborhood with his antique store hoping to spend his last years in peace. To his surprise, the lagoon is full of characters he was not prepared for. Don Abel is received by Britney and Albertano, the manager of the famous "Pantaleteria fina". There he also meets Pistón, a famous merolic magician in the neighborhood, and Jarocha, a woman of gallant life who will steal anyone's heart. All these eccentricities are alleviated when he meets Doña Lancha, the owner of the cake shop who steals his heart.

And it is not the only love story, Rita, daughter of Doña Lancha, is in love with Albertano, Britney del Pistón, and Ayuguakin (the bad guy that every story needs) from Jarocha. MONDIAL PRICE 1 / NTL / MXC Limited to 8 tickets per buyer. Please review the details of each type of ticket, as sometimes they may have a different limit.

Price: $800 - $2800

Location on map


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