Performance "Roots"
- 15 September 2024, 13:00 Sunday
- 8 September 2024, 13:00 Sunday
- 1 September 2024, 13:00 Sunday
Author: Andrea Solís Posadas.
Director: Ksenia Kameneva.
Genre: Contemporary Dance.
Cast: Andrea Solís Posadas, Kesenía Kameneva, Fabían Joel Dominguez Solano, Tirza Hernandez Calzada, Roberto García Corona, Armando del Carmen Moreno Zepeda, Leonardo Oliver Ortíz Flores, Melissa Tavera Moreno, Aitzin López Caballero, Maria Luisa Gabriel Hernández Gúzman and Sara Monserrat Amezquita Camacho.
Duration: 60 min.
Audience: General public.
Synopsis: “Roots” is a project that brings together two contemporary dance pieces (“Hermana” and “Roots”) that are based on collective work, seek to make visible the importance of the circles and forms of support present in different social spheres and invite the public to reflect on multiple facets of personalities and feminine and masculine roles in the continuous flow and exchange of energy.