Marisela in Concert Zaz World Tour



Date: 22 May 2024, 20:30 Wednesday


Marisela in Concert Zaz World Tour
Wed, May 22, 2024, 8:30 PM

Wed, May 22, 2024, 8:30 PM | National Auditorium, Mexico City, DF

Marisela, the eternal Iron Lady, returns to Mexico, the country that baptized her as a singer and that for 40 years has turned her into a ballad classic, to celebrate her musical anniversary with all her Greatest Hits where he will perform the best of his repertoire.
Topics like "Without him", "My Problem", "Alone with my loneliness"; "In exchange for what", "La Pareja Ideal", "Enamorada y Herida", in addition to the emblematic "Tu dama de iron", will be some of the songs with which this great singer celebrates almost 4 decades of music in the country that He gave her the name Marisela and saw her being born as an artist.

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