Cabaret Lunario Presents: Tania Libertad



Date: 18 May 2024, 22:00 Saturday


Cabaret Lunario Presents: Tania Libertad
Sat, May 18, 2024, 10:00 PM

Sat, May 18, 2024, 10:00 PM | Lunario del Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City, DF

Age limit: 18 years

They pay for a ticket from: 18 years old

Restrictions: Access with food, drinks, photographic or video cameras is not allowed.

Access limit: It is recommended to arrive early.

Services: Parking, food and drinks

Approximate duration: approximately 2 hours

Official website:

Ticket Limit
Limited to 8 tickets per buyer. Please review the details of each type of ticket, as sometimes they may have a different limit.

Please consider the published ticket limit. Persons who exceed the limit may be subject to cancellation of their order(s) by Ticketmaster without prior notification. This includes orders associated with the same name, email, address, credit card or any other information.

Prices expressed in MXN

Location on map


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