Alex Ubago | Tour 20 Years


  • Alex Ubago | Tour 20 Years
  • Alex Ubago | Tour 20 Years


Date: 27 August 2024, 21:00 Tuesday
Artists:Álex Ubago


Alex Ubago Tour 20 Years

Tue, Aug 27, 2024, 9:00 p.m.

Auditorio BB, Mexico City

Alex Ubago returns to the national stage with a very special tour; covering his 20 years of songs. Recognized by the Spanish-speaking music industry as one of the great composers of love songs, he has just returned from another of his successful tours in Latin America.

In this long-awaited event we will be able to enjoy many of the most representative compositions of his career, which will also be included in his new album "ALEX UBAGO 20 AÑOS".
"Qué pides tú", "A gritos de esperanza", "Dame tu aire", "Ella vive en mí" ... and there will also be hymns like "Estar contigo", "Aunque no te puedo ver" and "Sin miedo a nada" among other great songs...

The repertoire and the reunion with their most loyal audience will be the real protagonists of this 20th anniversary on stage. With this tour, I'm back on the road to celebrate my two decades in music by reviewing the most important songs in my repertoire.

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