Adolescentes Orquesta


  • Adolescentes Orquesta


Date: 5 October 2024, 20:00 Saturday


The Adolescents Orchestra, one of the most prominent salsa groups in the world, will perform for the first time next Saturday, October 5th at the Metropolitan Theater in Mexico City at eight in the evening. Made up of talented young people and under the direction of its founder Mr. Luis Francisco "El Negro" Mendoza of Korta Records, this orchestra includes singers of various nationalities: Mario Bentti (Puerto Rico), Ernesto Cabrera (Cuba), Rodrigo Silva (Chile), Jonathan Martinez (Colombia) and Andy Moreno (Venezuela). The upcoming performance at the Metropolitan Theater promises to be an unforgettable event, offering both new hits and classics from the orchestra: Persona ideal, Anhelo, Virgen, Me tengo que ir, Aquel lugar and many more hits. The Adolescents Orchestra invites all its fans to join this unique experience on October 5th.

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