Vicente García



Vicente García, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Full Name:Vicente García
Past events:Vicente García

Vicente García Guillén (born March 30, 1983) is a Dominican musician, singer and composer. He is the former lead singer of the Dominican alternative rock band Calor Urbano, which he left in 2010 to pursue a solo career. Garcia has collaborated in concerts with renowned artists such as Juan Luis Guerra, Alejandro Sanz, Cultura Profetica, Juanes, Ximena Sariñana and Maná among others. He has won three Latin Grammy awards including Best New Artist in 2017.

Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, García developed an interest in various musical genres at a young age. He served as the frontman of Calor Urbano from 2002 to 2010, after which he pursued a solo career. Upon beginning his solo career, García incorporated influences of traditional Dominican genres such as bachata and merengue with modern styles of reggae, funk, and hip-hop. His solo albums are Melodrama (2010), and A La Mar (2016), and Candela (2019). He also released an experimental collaborative album with producer Visitante of Calle 13 entitled Trending Tropics in 2018.

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Vicente García, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.


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